Healthy, Easy Snack Ideas for Kids

Healthy, Easy Snack Ideas for Kids

If your child is active and is enthusiastic about the sports they play, their body would need the extra nourishment. Making elaborate recipes as a hearty snack can be challenging due to the busy schedule most parents have.

Here are a few healthy and easy snacks for kids.

  • Celery with peanut butter and raisins
    Also referred to as ants on a log, celery with peanut butter and raisins is one of those healthy and easy snacks for kids. Remember that an active kid loses more calories and energy on average every day than most people. This snack packs carbs, proteins, and fat together and provides balanced nutrition. Moreover, the prep time for this snack is merely a few minutes long. Cut a stalk of celery into four pieces, spread peanut butter inside it and arrange a few raisins on top. Choose a peanut butter with no added sugar or vegetable oils.
  • Popcorn
    You may have considered popcorn to be an unhealthy snack but it is quite nutritious and should be considered a healthy and easy snack for kids. Moreover, if you doubt the authenticity and nutritional value of the popcorn sold in stores, you can air pop some corn kernels at home, drizzle it with a little butter, and sprinkle some grated parmesan cheese on top. With no unhealthy toppings, the popcorn provides instant energy to your kid.
  • Oatmeal
    Oatmeal is as much a healthy breakfast as it is a snack that your little one can gorge on when they return from a power-packed game. Oats are high in soluble fiber, which, in turn, increases the good bacteria in the digestive tract. Choose oatmeal with whole, rolled oats as it contains no extra sugar. Make the oatmeal with milk instead of water for extra calcium and protein intake.
  • Fruit smoothie
    If your child is a picky eater and takes time to finish their meals or snacks, prepare this fruit smoothie for a healthy snack. Use whole, fresh ingredients, and add some vegetables, too. The overall sweetness of the smoothie will not even make your kid realize that they are having some of their not-so-favorite foods. Blend frozen berries (or any other fruit), plain yogurt, honey, almond milk, and fresh spinach for a tasty smoothie.
  • Trail mixes
    Nuts are extremely nutritious, and trail mix is one of the healthy and easy snacks for kids. Ditch the commercial trail mixes with high sugar and try your own combination of mixed nuts, dried fruits, and wholegrain cereals for a healthier version of this tasty treat.