5 Home Remedies for Flea and Pest Control
If you are looking to keep fleas and other pests away from your pets then you aren’t alone. Any animal that goes outside is susceptible to a flea infestation or tick bites. For flea control you can always purchase products such as Sentry flea shampoo or Frontline spray, but products like these can get expensive. Here are the 5 best at home remedies for flea and other pest control:
1. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is made up of lauric acid, a type of fatty acid that can coat a fleas exoskeleton and make them become oily. The oil on the exoskeleton quickly suffocates the flea so all that is left to do is rinse your animal and pick any remaining flea bodies out of your animals coat with a flea comb. All you have to do is put some coconut oil on your palm and lightly work it into your dog’s skin. However, you should do this outside as fleas may leap off your pets coat to escape the coconut oil.
2. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural pest deterrent and small pests and parasites like fleas and ticks are naturally adverse to it. So while it may not kill fleas, it can definitely deter them since they hate the taste and smell of it. To use this natural deterrent all you have to do is mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water then spray it either directly onto your pet or onto their bed or other pet furniture they use frequently.
3. Dish detergent
Using dish detergent such as Dawn is a great way to remove fleas and other pests from your pets coat. The dish detergent can increase the surface tension of water causing fleas to drown and damage their waxy exoskeletons. All you have to do is give your pet a warm bath and add a moderate amount of dish soap to the bath and scrub the fleas out of your pet’s fur in order to get rid of these pests.
4. Lemon shampoo
A simple way to get rid of pests from your pets coat is to use homemade lemon shampoo. Not only will the lemon juice and shampoo work together to effectively kill fleas on your pet, but it will also leave your pet smelling fresh. To make lemon shampoo mix add half a cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 2 cups of warm water, and ½ a cup of pet-safe baby shampoo. All that is left to do after that is gently wash your pet with the soap in a bathtub and scrub the fleas out of your pet’s fur.
5. Diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is made of the fossilized remains of miniscule aquatic organisms that are called diatoms. It kills fleas and other pests by drying them out and sucking the moisture out of their bodies. The best way to use diatomaceous earth is by putting it on fabrics such as a carpet or pet bed that your pet uses. Vets typically advise against putting it directly on your pet’s coat and you should avoid it in general if you or your pet have respiratory issues such as asthma.