5 Money-Saving Tips for College

5 Money-Saving Tips for College

Saving money is the most inevitable aspect of anyone’s life, and saving for education is the most crucial part. This financial aspect is extremely important when it comes to saving for college for students as advanced education is undoubtedly expensive in the country. Listed below are some tips that can give you a fair insight into saving for college in a nutshell.

Saving enough
In the last decade, college education fees have substantially increased to a point that education savings plan has become an absolute necessity to reap tax-free benefits. One needs to at least have a saving of more than $20,000 on an average to cover a minimum of tuition fees, lodging, and boarding for the first year. Of course, student loans will come in its due course with the exorbitant rising cost to pursue college studies. Attending a state school is nothing less than $21,000 per year, and that’s a whopping amount!

Saving and balancing
One such finance method to save as much as the IRA for its tax-free and flexible in terms of withdrawals and savings. Saving for college for students must not clash with paying off any debts, emergency funds and any other investment towards retirement. This whole process of financing college education must run side by side with your planned budget and must start early.

Financial aid
While you are saving, one must understand the federal aid that is available in the US and plan accordingly. This will give more or less a fair idea of how much one needs to save or stretch its own savings. Savings generally all drills down to finance the tuition fees and its unfortunate that the amount has increased by more than 36% since 2008 to current times. But the good news is that there are strong financial aid programs in the US to help students pursue their dreams.

Understanding the nuances of average cost
As you keep saving, the financial aspect can get much clearer if you know the average cost of college by degree type, Flagship University, by state and by region. Also as a student, one can choose to work in part-time jobs as part of the work/study programs for maximum savings. As when you are saving, do the needful by getting a rough estimate of the overall expenditures such as student living, accommodation costs, boarding and lodging, tuition fees and other secondary needs.

Financial strategies
In today’s scenario, the 2k rule is an effective method to understand how much to save along with the tax advantages of 529 schemes. A zero debt is the best possible method to finance your children’s college education but this needs a lot of mathematical workouts on an everyday basis plus an awareness of the 529 plan, UTMA and UGMA accounts, Coverdell Education Savings Account, and other federal aids. Last not least, your children must inculcate ways to save on a weekly basis by compromising expenditures on non-essential items.

In a nutshell, have a realistic approach towards smart saving for college for students by crunching on numbers and creating enough room for a reasonable living on an everyday thing. To kickstart your saving for college for students, start with an automatic deposit from your paycheck right from day one to play safe. If not anything, you would be able to finance a fair amount of the tuition fees.