6 Foods to Fight Eczema

6 Foods to Fight Eczema

Eczema and atopic dermatitis result in skin inflammation, redness, itching, and unusual dryness. In some extreme cases of eczema, oozing blisters are also common. A survey shows that about 31.06% of people in the country are affected by this condition. As a result, managing your diet is essential to cope with the condition.

Here are a few dietary changes to control eczema and atopic dermatitis:

Probiotics are known as good bacteria that play a crucial role in the digestive process to keep your gut clean and healthy. For a long time now, the benefits of probiotics have been studied and the results have been positive, especially to cure eczema. Yogurt is a great source of probiotics. Moreover, you can ask your doctor for a probiotic supplement recommendations.

Since both atopic dermatitis and eczema are considered as skin inflammation conditions, anti-inflammatory foods are beneficial. Fish are a great anti-inflammatory food as they contain omega-3 fatty acids. You can include all types of fish, such as tuna, mackerel, salmon, and sardines, in your diet.

Chia seeds
Bringing healthy dietary changes to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis does not mean you have to eat tasteless food. You can include chia seeds in smoothies, shakes, and soups. Chia seeds give a unique taste to your food and are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Flavonoid-rich food
Flavonoids are a phytonutrient present in colorful vegetables, greens, and fruits. Spinach has exceptionally high amounts of flavonoids. This nutrient has been proven to help reduce the symptoms associated with eczema and atopic dermatitis. You can also consume broccoli, kale, and a variety of apples to get a boost of flavonoids. Small dietary changes to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis can have a great impact on your skin.

Foods rich in beta carotene
Beta carotene is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals that affect the skin. Consuming foods rich in beta carotene will make your skin healthier to fight against various skin conditions. Include foods such as beets, carrots, mangoes, and apricots in your diet. Make these dietary changes to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis with ease.

Essential fatty acids
Innumerable studies have proven the benefits of essential fatty acids to the human body. Your skin will maintain its structural integrity and stay moisturized and healthy when you consume enough fat. Avocados, olive oil, and whole grains, such as barley, brown rice, and quinoa, provide you with the essential fatty acids to protect your skin.

If you want to have healthy skin, you should maintain a healthy diet. Apart from using the creams and medication prescribed by your doctor, make these simple dietary changes to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis without spending a lot of time and money on treatments.