Early Warning Signs of Relapsed Depression

Early Warning Signs of Relapsed Depression

Those who have suffered from depression could experience a relapse. While it usually happens within five years of the first episode, it could even occur within months or even weeks after the first episode. Around 50% of those who experience an episode of depression once in their lives could see it return once or more.

Depression could return in two ways. The first way is in the form of a relapse with the symptoms reappearing or worsening again during recovery from an earlier episode. This usually happens within two months of stopping treatment. The second is a recurrence when signs return months or even years after recovery. So, what are the possible early warning signs of depression possibly returning? We’ve listed the various ways in which a relapse could occur.

Anxiety and low mood
Being down because of a specific event, like a bad breakup or a job loss could be regular, short-term sadness. However, if one feels “empty,” teary, and hopeless every day for more than two weeks, which affects one’s life, routine, work, and relationships, it could be one of the early warning signs of depression.

Changes in sleep patterns
If there has been a shift in sleep habits, i.e., insomnia or even sleeping excessively, this could be one of the warning signs of relapsed depression. In fact, lack of sleep could worsen other signs linked to depression, such as fatigue.

Increased irritability
Depression could also resurface in the forms of anger and irritability, making it tougher to handle everyday stresses. Also, women are less likely to behave violently or recklessly when depressed as compared to men.

Loss of interest
If one isn’t enjoying activities that used to interest or absorb them earlier, this is one huge early warning sign of relapsed depression. In such a case, sex, hobbies, and other interests that one usually enjoyed could now feel like a burden. Those who have been depressed in the past and are noticing that they have lost interest in their relationships, work, hobbies, and other favorite activities for more than 15 days, chances are that one could be relapsing.

Social withdrawal
If one avoids leaving the house and stays away from friends and social situations, and feels like even the shortest conversation feels like too much of an effort, then all these could be signs of a relapse.

Feelings of guilt and worthlessness
If one ends up thinking over past events and is feeling down, then old feelings of guilt and self-loathing could creep back in. One may also find themselves unable to turn off the inner critic who wants to fixate on failures. One could feel that they’re to blame for events that are actually out of their control. All these are early warning signs of relapsing depression.

Apart from the above, fatigue, feelings of agitation, changes in appetite, memory and concentration problems, pains and physical aches, and suicidal thoughts and attempts are early warning signs of relapsed depression. Please always consult a mental health care professional if you think you or someone you know may suffer from clinical depression. Doctors may prescribe antidepressant medications or Esketamine Spravato nasal sprays to help manage symptoms.