Herbs and Spices to Prevent Lung Cancer

Herbs and Spices to Prevent Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is an increasingly common condition today and the lifestyles led by most people does not help things either. While the condition can be cured, it is an extremely debilitating one which leads to long-lasting emotional, mental, and physical side-effects. In a survey, it has been concluded that nearly 30 to 40 percent of cancers may be prevented based on a healthy diet and basic exercises. Hence, it is highly advisable to consume foods that help prevent lung cancer and include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, limit the intake of red meat and sugary items, and also limit the intake of alcoholic drinks and salty foods. Aside from this, getting all the essential vitamins and minerals is important. One should also pay close attention to how the food is cooked and what ingredients or spices are used.

Certain spices and herbs listed below are believed to be beneficial at keeping lung cancer at bay. Apart from adding flavors to the food, they make it nutritious too.

  • Ginger
    Ginger is said to relieve the feeling of nausea and can be added to soups, tea, and stir-fry dishes. It is a great way to provide benefits to lung cancer patients or help prevent lung cancer.
  • Turmeric
    Turmeric is a great way to prevent heart diseases and helps in cancer prevention too. It helps to cure inflammation and can be taken as a supplement when one is undergoing lung cancer treatment.
  • Cinnamon
    It is one of the most special spices used in American culture. It has many nutritional benefits and is considered as one of the top choices among foods that help prevent lung cancer. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties as well. One can add a pinch of cinnamon to your oatmeal, coffee, tea, or apple slices.
  • Garlic
    Garlic is a useful item when it comes to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Additionally, it is beneficial for people suffering from lung cancer and has antioxidant properties.
  • Herbs
    Herbs have been shown to have antioxidant properties. It is always a better idea to add fresh or dried herbs to foods that help prevent lung cancer. For example, one can add basil to tomato sauce and pesto while rosemary can be added to chicken or beef. The majority of Mexican and Mediterranean dishes contain oregano, which is again a helpful herb that prevents lung cancer.
  • Basil
    Basil is one of the most commonly used herbs that can be added to foods that help prevent lung cancer. It is useful because it has antimicrobial properties which are helpful in preventing cancer. It can be easily added to soups, bread, and curries.
  • Black pepper
    Black pepper contains the active substance piperine, which is a naturally occurring chemical compound with strong antioxidant properties. This can be added to foods that help prevent lung cancer to further enhance their ability to restrict the growth of cancer cells in the body.
  • Cayenne pepper
    Cayenne contains capsaicin that is another powerful antioxidant that helps destroy cancer cells. In addition to fighting cancer, this pepper also gives a tasty kick to a number of food items.

Other herbs and spices that help in preventing lung cancer are clove, coriander, cumin, etc.