Identifying the Right Treatment for Dyskinesia

Identifying the Right Treatment for Dyskinesia

Parkinson’s disease is a neural defect with rigidity to muscles that make one’s life miserable to conduct the daily routines. Studies tell us that Parkinson’s disease has two kinds of triggers- tremors, and dyskinesia. Unless one tries to learn the difference between the two it is quite tough to step tremors and dyskinesia aside.

Tremors begin with the rigidity of limbs and get to paralyzing the body. Studies also say that 80% of patients suffering from Parkinson’s do undergo tremors. While dyskinesia is a side effect on the usage of levodopa medication that is prescribed to Parkinson patients, this also gets uncomfortable for patients if not treated at the right time.

What are the causes of dyskinesia and tremors?
Tremors usually come as the initial symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Dyskinesia symptoms might pop up a few years after the treatment of Parkinson’s disease begins. Dyskinesia is the after effect of the medicine Levodopa. This is the medication given to patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. This happens because the medication increases the level of dopamine in the brain because Parkinson’s patients do not have enough dopamine production from their brain cells. Levodopa helps in the production of dopamine. This variation is a reason for the development of dyskinesia.

How are dyskinesia and tremor symptoms treated?
Treatment option for dyskinesia and tremor is designed to cater to the patient’s symptoms hence it differs from one individual to another. The treatment is designed based on the following like the severity of the tremor and dyskinesia symptoms, the air gap between the symptoms and the time span of each of the symptoms, levodopa medication side effects, age, usage of levodopa medication on a patient, development of Parkinson’s disease in the patient, among others. The other treatment options are making a variation with doctoral advice in the amount of levodopa ingestion, they are also advised to try on continuing the medicine for a particular time or extending the formulation for life long until the disease is cured. Recently approved medication for dyskinesia, the Gocovri is an amantadine prolonged version of the medication. Another approved drug is Valbenazine by Ingrezza company is used to treat tardive dyskinesia.

Miscellaneous methods to treatment
Some doctors advise taking levodopa in smaller quantities because they know the consequences and occurrence of dyskinesia symptoms in the later stage of treatment. In order to avoid the protein in your food interfering with your metabolism and absorption into the body, have levodopa 30 minutes before the meal. Try to involve in physical exercises like swimming, walking, and running. Also, involve yourself in mental health promotion and stress management classes. Find yourself a community or seek help through professionals to help you find a community. Stress can worsen Parkinson’s disease. Early stages of treating Parkinson’s disease, try to use dopamine receptors with agonists which are a substance that stimulates the physiological response when mixed with a dopamine receptor. This procedure by itself is called monotherapy.