Cooking Tips for Patients with Renal Cancer

Cooking Tips for Patients with Renal Cancer

When it comes to treating renal cancer, along with medication and other forms of therapy, people must also pay attention to their diet. It is important to get adequate nutrition so that the body has the strength to fight the side effects of treatments. There are many foods to avoid with renal cancer.

Here are some tips you need to know when cooking for someone with renal cancer:

Foods with high salt content
Eating food with high salt content should be avoided as it can aggravate kidney damage. Sodium can upset the fluid balance in the body and cause high blood pressure. Processed foods are typically high in salt content. This includes canned and fast foods and deli meats. Instead of salt, food can be seasoned with herbs and spices to make it tasty.

Foods with high phosphorus content
Nutrients such as phosphorus are crucial in the development of bone strength. However, in the case of people suffering from renal cancer, phosphorus can accumulate in the bloodstream. This may trigger symptoms such as joint pain and itching. Foods to avoid with renal cancer because of their high phosphorus content include beans, nuts, seeds, and processed bran cereals.

Too much water
Although water is not considered food, it must be included in the list of foods to avoid with renal cancer. While it is important to stay hydrated, drinking excess water can aggravate the symptoms of kidney cancer. Cancer reduces kidney function and compromises urine production. This can cause fluid retention, shortness of breath, and high blood pressure. Thus, renal cancer patients should monitor fluid intake.

Animal protein
Proteins are essential to repair cell damage and they also build muscle strength. However, in the case of renal cancer, it is advisable to avoid animal proteins. Foods that are rich in proteins contain uric acid as well. When this compound accumulates in the body, it can act like a toxin and cause complications. This includes muscle weakness, joint pain, and heart disorders. When it comes to proteins, it is important to note that proteins sourced from animals are more harmful than plant-based proteins. Which is why, instead of eggs, chicken, and milk, consider having whole grains.

Foods with high potassium content
Potassium is an important mineral as it regulates heartbeat and muscle function. However, excessive potassium in foods can aggravate kidney cancer. It can also cause complications associated with renal cancer as well as cardiovascular complications and muscle weakness. Foods to avoid with renal cancer include chocolate, avocados, dates, granola, apricots, squash, bran, broccoli, peanut butter, bananas, and milk.

Eat a variety of foods
People suffering from kidney cancer should ideally have home-cooked meals with a balance of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and a limited amount of proteins. A dietician may be able to provide more insights into the foods that can aid in the treatment and the foods to avoid in renal cancer based on the treatment plan and stage of the disease.