Tips for a Comfortable Pet Vacation

Tips for a Comfortable Pet Vacation

Are you someone who loves to travel with your pet? You are not alone, because studies show that almost 50% of pet owners in the country prefer to take their pets with them every time they leave for a holiday.

Today, traveling with pets is much easier than it was a decade ago because there are many hotels that offer pet-friendly accommodations. When you have access to a guide for pet-friendly travel, you will know exactly what to look out for, what to carry with you, and what preparations to make to ensure that you and your pet have a memorable vacation.

Following are the tips for having a vacay with your pets

  • Before you embark on a trip, you need to plan ahead and research on rules for your pet in the place where you are headed. To start with, you must find out if pets are allowed at all in the place that you are planning to visit. When that has been confirmed, your next job is to call all the pet-friendly hotels that you have shortlisted to make sure they are actually offering pet-friendly amenities.
  • You need to prepare alternative travel modes for your pet if needed. When you are flying with a pet, you have to figure out airline policies for pet travel. So, remember to call in advance and find out about size restrictions, fees, or any other limits that the airlines may have. These calls must also be made in case you are planning to take your pet with you on the metro, train, public bus, or ferry.
  • The next step is to prepare the pet beforehand and pack in all his essentials, including food, water, collar, and leash. Besides these basic things, you need to carry his vaccination records in case the authorities wish to check these, a first-aid kit for emergencies, eye-wash, spare tags, a collapsible feeding bowl, gauze bandages, entertaining toys for him, and extra seat covers.
  • You need to consider the weather of the place where you are going. If you are planning a trip to the mountains where temperatures are low, you must carry essentials for your dog, like booties for his feet. If you plan to go hiking, you need to carry a mini dog backpack.
  • It is advisable to meet your vet for a routine check-up before you leave on a holiday with your pet. This is necessary to make sure he is fit to travel and completely healthy.
  • You need to train your pet to make sure he will not end up bothering the fellow passengers on board with you. For instance, when your pet is very noisy, be sure to carry a toy with you to keep him entertained. You must bathe him well before the trip so that he does not smell on the journey and cause discomfort to others. You may carry an air freshener bottle with you. While you might be comfortable leaving your dog open without a leash, there would be certain rules which you will have to adhere to.
  • Hiding the pet is never a wise idea; it is important to communicate with the staff and other co-passengers about the fact that you are traveling with a pet.
  • In case you wish to travel in groups, you can always assign your pet with a different person each day; they will take turns to be with him when you must go out to run errands.

The above-mentioned tips will help you travel safely with your four-legged pets.