Healthy Eating Tips Following Breast Cancer Surgery

Healthy Eating Tips Following Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast cancer is a commonly diagnosed disease in the modern world due to its risk factors having increased drastically. In its earlier stages, the disease can be fully treated via surgery, but unfortunately, that isn’t where the process ends for breast cancer patients. Post-surgery care plays a huge part in the recovery of the woman and not taking adequate steps could mean increasing the chances of a relapse. in many women all over the world. After one gets breast cancer surgery done, it becomes even more important to take care of their nutrition intake and exercise pattern.
One must try to eat healthy, smaller meals at regular intervals instead of sticking to three big meals in a day. They can also opt for protein shakes instead of solid proteins to ease the effects of nausea, which is a side-effect of cancer treatment.

Here are some things to keep in mind regarding the diet post-breast cancer surgery.

There are quite a few foods linked to breast cancer prevention. These are as follows.

  • Fruits and vegetables
    Eating green leafy vegetables like kale and broccoli and fruits such as peach and berries, alongside beans, potatoes, fish, egg, and meat can also help to prevent breast cancer recurrence. These food items are loaded with fiber and have essential vitamins and minerals too.
  • Dietary fiber and antioxidants
    Excess estrogen in the body can be one of the reasons for the development of some types of breast cancer in the body. It is thus advised to consume fiber-rich foods and natural antioxidants like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and so on.
  • Good fats
    Foods linked to breast cancer prevention also include good fats that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Such food items include olive oil, avocadoes, nuts, and seeds.
  • Soy
    Soy is a healthy food item that can help to reduce the risk of cancer. It is a plant-based protein and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. One can eat soy in the form of tofu, soy milk, soy nuts, etc.

If one has had breast cancer surgery or think that they are at risk of getting the disease in the future, then there are certain foods linked to breast cancer that they should avoid eating. These are:

  • Alcohol
    Alcohol consumption increases the estrogen level in the body and can also cause damage to one’s DNA. It is advised to avoid alcohol consumption if one wishes to reduce the risk of cancer or has undergone surgery.
  • Red meat
    There is a direct link between the consumption of red meat and an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Fat
    Trans fats are commonly found in processed and premade foods. Food items like donuts, creams, cookies, pastries have a high amount of trans fats and can pose a higher risk of breast cancer.

Exact outcomes post-surgery cannot be determined, but if one wishes to maximize their chances of a disease-free life in the future, it is essential to consume healthy foods linked to breast cancer. Foods that are rich in vitamin D such as eggs, cold-water fish, and fortified products are good options. Green tea is a wise choice as it contains antioxidants and may also strengthen the immune system. Turmeric is another item that has anti-inflammatory properties and can limit the growth of cancer cells.